Tulane University

Success Coaching Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in Tulane’s Academic Success Coaching program. Tulane Academic Success Coaches are professionals who support undergraduate students in their academic, personal, and career success. Through regular one-on-one meetings, coaches assist students in exploring their unique processing styles and ingrained habits and beliefs, as well as creating actionable steps to meet student goals. Coaches frequently partner with students on the following topics: executive function concerns, neurodiversity, time-management, motivation, testing anxiety, stress management, college transition, and decision-making.

You will be contacted by a success coach regarding next steps after submitting this form. Questions? Want to chat with a success coach? Email success@tulane.edu and we will be happy to connect. Thank you!

Which of the following financial aid resources are you utilizing this year?
Are you the first person in your immediate family to attend college?
Number of study hours per week:
In addition to class, what other obligations do you have?
Which of the following have impacted your ability to be successful? Please check all that apply.
Family/Social Adjustment
Please rank the following statements from 1 to 5, where 1 is the least amount, and 5 is the most amount:
Which of the following are you willing to do in coaching to work toward your goals:
How will you measure your success in coaching?