INTR 1990-01 Registration

Are you a SLAM minor? *
About Your Internship
INTR 1990, a one-credit course, is open only to students who have completed a full year of college coursework.  The internship is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis.  Credit for INTR 1990 will not count toward core requirements but will count among the credits required for graduation.  INTR 1990 may be taken only once for credit toward graduation.
If you are working as an intern more than 2 days or equivalent (15 hours) per week you must supply a statement from the organization sponsoring the internship that you are not displacing a regular employee.  (Department of Labor requirement)
Read the instructions below before signing the form.
I understand that the program director will contact the person listed above at the internship site to verify that I successfully completed the internship.  I will register for INTR 1990 after receiving approval from the associate dean.
By the first day of the final exam period of the semester in which I am registered for this course I will submit a 4-5 page summary of my internship according to these guidelines:
This summary must contain: a brief description (one or two paragraphs) of the organization; a description of your learning outcomes in this internship; a narrative of your internship experience; a conclusion that includes what you have learned during the internship, the skills you acquired, and, when applicable, any shortcomings to the experience.
Student's Signature *