Core Curriculum Course Substitution Petition

The Core Curriculum stands at the center of the academic experience of every undergraduate student in Newcomb-Tulane College.

Some of the Core Curriculum can be fulfilled through coursework taken at other institutions of higher education either here in the US or abroad. Please submit this form along with a complete syllabus for courses taken abroad and transfer credits. Reviewers are faculty with expertise in the Core and their assessment will be based exclusively on the syllabus presented. If the syllabus does not demonstrate a fit for NTC Core requirements, no attribute will be assigned. All determinations are final. 

Please note that you can only submit one request per attribute at a time.

Some coursework taken through affiliated programs abroad has already been pre-approved. You can find these courses in the database maintained by the Office of Study Abroad ( Even if the course is on this pre-approved list for Core credit, you must submit this form to ensure the Core credit is applied to your degree audit.

When was your first semester at Tulane? *
Have you received approval to participate in a non-Tulane study abroad program? *
Have you received transfer credit approval for this course to transfer back to Tulane? *
Has this course been posted to your degree works audit?
Find this information in the Course History, by clicking the three dots at top right corner of degree audit  *