Dancenter Salisbury Summer Registration
Students Name
Date of Birth
Name of Parent/Guardian
Email Address:
Please select camps below:
Bluey Dance Mode (9-Noon) $150.00
Dance Pawty (9-Noon) $150.00
Dance Pawty (5:45-6:45pm) $70.00
Harry Potter Wizarding World (9-Noon) $150.00
Barbie Blast (9-Noon) $150.00
Please select Week Long Classes choices below:
Beginning HIp Hop/Jazz Ages 5-9( 7/29-8/1) $100.00
Beginning Hip Hop/Jazz Ages 10-18 (7/29-8/1) $100.00
Open Level Jazz Dance (7/15-18) $125.00
Open Level Jazz Dance (8/5-9) $125.00
Open Level Contemporary Dance (7/8-11) $125.00
Open Level Contemporary Dance (7/29-81) $125.00
Open Level Ballet (7/22-25) $125.00
Open Level Ballet (8/12-15) $125.00
All Open Level Classes $600.00
Open Level Classes (3 week rate) $300.00
Open Level Classes (4 week rate) $400.00
Open Level Classes (5 week rate) $500.00
When selecting discounted weeks please indicate below which weeks your student will be attending:
Contemporary July 8th
Jazz - July 15th
Ballet - July 22nd
Contemporary - July 29th
Jazz- August 5th
Ballet - August 12th
Payment is due at the time of registration; either a 50% or in full. Please indicate the amount below and include credit card information. You may also pay via Venmo (Mary Avara @dancenter)
50% Deposit (Balance due first day of class)
Payment in Full
Credit Card #
Expiration date:
3 Digit Code:
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