PA Huntsmen Billet Family Questionnaire
Homeowner Contact Info
Full Name
Birth Date
Home Street Address
Zip Code
Billet Applicant Email
Cell Phone Number
Have you ever billeted a player in the past?
How many adults (18+) live in the household?
How many minors live in the household?
(If yes) What organization were they with?
How many players are you willing to billet?
1 Player
2 Players
Do you agree to complete/provide the necessary background checks and clearances required by the state of Pennsylvania and USA Hockey
Are you Married/Single/Divorced?
Are you able to provide transportation or prefer player has vehicle?
Names, ages and grades of children living at home
Describe your family and why you are interested in billeting a player
Additional Info - Use the space to provide additional information on yourself that will be useful for us to consider.
Do you know of other families that may be interested as well?