RAF Recognition Event | Commemorative Award Application

IMPORTANT: Kindly fill out the below form in its entirety.

Please note the following event restrictions:

1) This is a "thank you" event - you may not solicit for investments during your event;

2) Affilates and/or vendors may not assist with costs related to these events in any way;

3) All costs must be paid for by the Association (which will be reiumbursed by the PAC).

In accordance with the California Fair Political Practices Commission mandates, costs associated with RAF Recognition Events (e.g., lunches, receptions, etc.) are treated as solicitation costs. As a result, C.A.R.’s four political action committees (CREIEC, CREPAC/Federal, CREPAC (LCRC) and IMPAC (local IMPAC)) collectively, the “PACs,” are responsible for covering or reimbursing costs associated with organizing such RAF Recognition Events in proportion with the allocation determined by C.A.R.’s counsel.

This means that a portion of the costs must be borne by CREPAC/Federal and CREIEC. Therefore, it is within the purview of PAC leadership to review and approve any updates that impact C.A.R. policies regarding these events.

RESOLUTION: Adopted 1/15/2018 the approval and reimbursement of RAF Recognition Events as follows:

1. RAF Recognition Events held by a local Association either individually or collectively, shall not exceed 10% of the RAF amount raised by the local Association in the preceding calendar year. This policy applies to all RAF Recognition Event(s) even if there are sufficient local IMPAC or LCRC funds to cover the costs, since the costs must come proportionally from the respective PACs to which the RAF contributions were deposited.

2. If the projected costs of an RAF Recognition Event are anticipated to exceed 10% of the RAF amount raised by the local Association in the preceding calendar year, the local Association will not receive approval and cannot hold the RAF Recognition Event.

3. All costs must be approved in advance by C.A.R. staff for all RAF Recognition Events. Approved costs will be allocated to and reimbursed from each of the C.A.R.-affiliated PACs as required by law. The portion allocated to CREPAC and IMPAC will be reimbursed from local allocations in those PACs (i.e., LCRC and local IMPAC funds). The portion allocated to CREPAC/Federal and CREIEC will be borne by those PACs.

4. If a local Association holds an RAF Recognition Event that was not approved, either because it was not submitted for approval or because the costs exceed the thresholds set forth in this policy, the costs must be reimbursed from the PACs by the normal allocation.

Therefore, for such non-approved events:

a. The CREPAC Trustees shall be notified each time a local Association holds an event without approval and may take further action, if they choose.

b. The portion of costs allocated to CREPAC and IMPAC will be reimbursed from local allocations in those PACs, as provided above, and

c. The portion of costs allocated to CREPAC/Federal and CREIEC will be reimbursed by those PACs in accordance with law, but the Association will forfeit an equal amount from their local CREPAC and IMPAC allocation to the non-local allocations in those PACs. The precise ratio of the forfeit will be determined by C.A.R. staff, and may take into consideration the available local allocation amounts, legal requirements or any other factor. If there are not sufficient local allocations in those PACs at the time of reimbursement, the local Association will be required to allocate funds to those PACs until the required forfeiture is met.

d. RAF Staff will provide an activity report to CREPAC staff for the Fall Business meetings each year, so that the CREPAC Trustees may have a summary report of recognition events held for that year.

NOTE: RAF Recognition/Reception Events at which contributions are requested are treated as fundraisers and are subject to fundraiser rules and policies.

*Please Note: Submission of this form does not guarantee approval of your fundraiser. A member of the C.A.R. staff will contact you with further details.

Questions | Lisa Edwards, 916-492-5211 or lisae@car.org 
Katie Kerner, 916-292-2457 or katiekmk@car.org

Association Information

Contact Information

Event Information

Event & Awards Description

In Person Event Budget

Please fill in the anticipated costs per line item (enter 0 if not applicable): *
 $ Amount
Name Tags
Catering Equipment
Room Cost
Sales Tax

Submission Process

Have you applied for any RPAC fundraising grants? *
Please check the box acknowledging that all RAF fundraising activities, i.e. sweepstakes, in-person events, etc., must be reimbursed through your LCRC (Local Candidate Recommendation Committee) sub-account. *

Questions | Lisa Edwards, 916-492-5211 or lisae@car.org 
Katie Kerner, 916-292-2457 or katiekmk@car.org
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