RAF Phone Bank Application

IMPORTANT: Kindly fill out the below form in its entirety, and be certain to plan your fundraiser to make 3 times over the projected costs.

Fundraisers must be approved by C.A.R. staff before being promoted or taking place. Now, in addition and effective immediately—even for those already being planned or that have been approved – all associations must provide a budget reflecting estimated contributions and costs when submitting a fundraiser along with other required information related to the fundraiser.

A fundraiser will not be approved unless the projected funds raised are at least 3 times the projected costs. Additionally, if an approved fundraiser does not actually meet this threshold – that is, if a fundraiser either costs more than 1/3 the amount actually contributed, then all contributions will be returned to the contributors and the AOR will not be reimbursed for the expenses of the event. If funds are returned to the local association for not meeting these fundraising requirements, the AOR and contributors will not receive participation credit.


1. Association requests approval of a RAF fundraiser with an estimated cost of $500 and projected contributions of $1,600. This fundraiser would be approved since the projected funds raised are more than 3 times the projected costs.

2. Association requests approval of a RAF fundraiser with an estimated cost of $2,000 and projected contributions of $4,500. This fundraiser would not be approved because it is not projected to bring in 3 times the costs. Either costs would have to be reduced, or the association would have to find a way to increase projected contributions to $6,000, 3 times costs.

*Please Note: Submission of this form does not guarantee approval of your fundraiser. A member of the C.A.R. staff will contact you with further details.

Questions | Lisa Edwards, 916-492-5211 or lisae@car.org 
Katie Kerner, 916-292-2457 or katiekmk@car.org

Association Information

Contact Information

Phone Bank Information

Phone Bank Budget

Please fill in the anticipated costs per line item (enter 0 if not applicable): *
 $ Amount
Name Tags
Catering Equipment
Room Cost
Sales Tax

Submission Process

Have you applied for any RPAC fundraising grants? *
Please check the box acknowledging that all RAF fundraising activities, i.e. sweepstakes, in-person events, etc., must be reimbursed through your LCRC (Local Candidate Recommendation Committee) sub-account. *

Questions | Lisa Edwards, 916-492-5211 or lisae@car.org 
Katie Kerner, 916-292-2457 or katiekmk@car.org
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