RAF Add-On Fundraiser Application

IMPORTANT: Kindly fill out the below form in its entirety.

The REALTOR® Party of California Leadership team is excited to share how local Association of REALTORS® can create a simple REALTOR® Action Fund fundraising game to add to any existing local AOR event (please note this cannot be done in conjunction with new member orientation).

These “games” are designed to provide the opportunity to maximize your Association's ability to educate and inform your peers on the importance of the REALTOR® Action Fund.

All items relating to the “game” are reimbursable through the local AOR’s LCRC sub-account, i.e. prizes and items to conduct the game.



1. Each attempt to remove a block is a voluntary RAF investment of $20. 

2. C.A.R. staff will create an online RAF investment webform for this game.

3. With only one hand remove a block from anywhere below the highest completed layer.

4. Place the block on top of the tower.

5. If the tower falls, you receive a consolation prize.

6. If the Tower stands, your prize is written on the block you chose!


1. Each attempt to pull a ping pong ball is a voluntary RAF investment of $20.

2. C.A.R. staff will create an online RAF investment webform for this game.

3. After the drum has been mixed, pull a ping pong ball.

4. Your prize is indicated on the ball that is pulled out of the drum.


1. Each attempt to spin the wheel is a voluntary RAF investment of $20.

2. C.A.R. staff will create an online RAF investment webform for this game.

3. Spin the wheel.

4. Your prize is indicated by the section on the wheel where the arrow lands.


1. The first 3 tosses are a voluntary RAF investment of $20.

2. C.A.R. staff will create an online RAF investment webform for this game.

3. For each toss that lands in the hole, you will win a consolation prize.

4. If all three tosses are successful, you receive the grand prize.

*Please Note: Submission of this form does not guarantee approval of your fundraiser. A member of the C.A.R. staff will contact you with further details.

Questions | Lisa Edwards, 916-492-5211 or lisae@car.org 
Katie Kerner, 916-292-2457 or katiekmk@car.org

Association Information

Contact Information

Add-On Fundraiser Information

Game & Prize Information

Small gifts, such as pens, coffee mugs, as well as items from the local AOR store, like a sign, etc. are all good options. Gift cards for $20 or less should be considered the “grand” prize.

To help determine how many gift cards you should purchase, the following is a suggested guideline: For every 50 members - 1 gift card (Example: You have 100 attendees – you would purchase 2 gift cards).

Please choose an add-on fundraiser game: *

Submission Process

Have you applied for any RPAC fundraising grants? *
Would you like to print your own customized pop up banners for the game(s)? *
Please select the game(s): *
Please check the box acknowledging that all RAF fundraising activities, i.e. sweepstakes, in-person events, etc., must be reimbursed through your LCRC (Local Candidate Recommendation Committee) sub-account. *

Questions | Lisa Edwards, 916-492-5211 or lisae@car.org 
Katie Kerner, 916-292-2457 or katiekmk@car.org
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