Event Information

31st Annual Capitol Reception
Date: Wednesday, April 30th, 2025
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm

Location: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, 1401 K Street, Sacramento
Ballroom B Pre Function & Outdoor Terrace
Please Enter from K & 13th Street at the West Lobby.
Admission includes two drink tickets.
Kindly submit this form by 5pm on April 25th.
Questions | Lisa Edwards, 916-492-5211 or lisae@car.org 
Katie Kerner, 916-292-2457 or katiekmk@car.org

Point of Contact

All Associations of REALTORS® (AORs) participating in the Corporate Ally program
will need to designate one person to coordinate and pick up their entry wristbands
(which include two drink tickets) for the Capitol Reception.
The wristbands will be available only during posted hours
at the REALTOR® Party Action Center.
Please enter the name and contact information for your AOR's primary contact below:
I certify I am responsible for picking up the Corporate Ally program wristbands for my AOR. *

Wristband Request

Corporate Ally Program Recognition Wristband Allocation*

CAPITOL CLUB: $449 (1 wristband)  

STERLING R: $1,000 – $2,499 (2 wristbands)  

CRYSTAL R: $2,500 – $4,999 (3 wristbands)  

GOLDEN R: $5,000 – $9,999 (4 wristbands)   

PLATINUM R: $10,000 – $24,999 (6 wristbands)  

PLATINUM DIAMOND R: $25,000+ (8 wristbands)  

*Local Associations are encouraged to use additional wristbands to expand their fundraising activities and educate REALTOR® members about the value of investing. 

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