Unit 356 Partnership Requests

To post your partnership requests to our website, please fill out the forms below. For further information contact our partnership chair Doug Cain at cainds2@comcast.net (520-609-1233).
After completing your request, please use this link to review or edit your submission and to see which players are searching for partners.  https://fs7.formsite.com/res/resultsReportTable?EParam=vIGmKZCQ4HoqpCG-UscnbvFdD2jzVKgYwCi9jw02kUQh5cirnWT4L9j5iukt9i6mA7mw3sxC64d-09AH1fvxkBc6VAmcJw56
To delete your posting please email: shoejack20@gmail.com
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