Many projects that utilize federal funds require domestically sourced/procured products. This includes goods the U.S. Government buys for its own use, as well as some goods not purchased directly by the U.S. Government, but that utilize federal funds or grants. These rules can also apply to some projects funded by states or cities. 

The information you provide below will help us confirm that we meet the BAA or BABA requirements you need for your project. 

Build America, Buy America (BABA): Enacted under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), BABA applies to certain federally funded projects. BABA requirements apply to purchases of iron and steel, construction materials and manufactured products permanently incorporated into infrastructure projects. Our luminaires are evaluated as manufactured products. To qualify, the product must be manufactured in the U.S. AND the cost of its components that are mined, produced, or manufactured in the U.S. must be greater than 55% of the total cost of all its components. 

Note: There could be an existing law that imposes a higher percentage for a specific product. (e.g. FAA: 100%, FTA: 70%, etc.)

Buy America(n) (BAA): Requirements apply to direct purchases by the U.S. Federal government valued at more than $10,000 USD. For lighting products to qualify, the product must be manufactured in the U.S. AND the cost of its components that are mined, produced, or manufactured in the U.S. must be greater than 65% of the total cost of all its components.  

You selected a FHWA project. There is an existing waiver in place and BAA and BABA requirements are not required. Please indicate if a letter of compliance letter is needed. *
Are special provisions required? * 🛈

*Many U.S. states include Buy American-like local content requirements in their procurement legislation. Refer to the website of the relevant state-level government for more information or consult the relevant U.S. agency website.

Product analysis may take up to 3 business days.