New Student Preschool - 8th Grade Application

Thank you for your interest in Alphonsus Academy and Center for the Arts. We are eager to grow our community and hope to serve you and your family well in the years ahead.
Please complete the following application and direct any questions to Madeleine Durkin (, Director of Admissions.
Special notes: 
This application is only for NEW students to AACA (including Tots Program participants and new students of current families). Returning students from Pre-K to 7th grade register seperately in January. 
Applicants must also submit a copy of their birth certificate. You may submit a baptismal certificate, if applicable. Transfer students must also submit transcripts, report cards, standardized test results, IEPs, and other relevant support invormation. Electronic submissions via this application are preferred.  

Applicant Information

If applying to our preschool program, please rank your choice of program. (Please use "1" for first choice, "2" for second choice, etc.). *
Gender *

Family Information