Music for the Wedding Liturgy

St. Alphonsus - Chicago

Liturgy Details

We will be having a: *


     Brian Bloye (music director, organ/piano) is included in your wedding fee.
Cantor (included in your wedding fee). For a specific cantor, please choose "other," and enter the cantor's name. If you would like to bring in a guest singer (approval required), the guest generally sings one special song, while the staff cantor sings the rest of the liturgy. *
Additional instruments ($200 additional per player) *

Prelude Music

Throughout this form, when choosing "other," please remember that all sung texts must be drawn from sacred sources, and that all music, including instrumental selections, will require approval.
Prelude music preference: *

Procession Details

Who processes last before bride? *

Procession Music

Music for Parents: *
Music for Bridesmaids: *
Music for Bride: *

Psalm Setting

The psalm is sung at weddings. Choose a musical setting below: *

Gospel Acclamation

Celtic Alleluia (O'Carroll); in Lent, an appropriate Gospel Acclamation is automatically substituted.

Presentation of Gifts

Thou Art With Me (J.S. Bach)

Mass Setting

Mass in Honor of St. Alphonsus (B. Bloye)


Choose music during communion: *

Presentation of Flowers to the Virgin Mary

This tradition is optional.
Choose a setting of the Ave Maria: *

Recession Music

Choose music for the exit of bride and bridal party:
Choose music for the exit of bride and bridal party: *
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