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Merck Research Award

All applications must be submitted by November 15, 2024 at 11:30 p.m. ET

The Merck Award recognizes eight *indviduals who will present their research at an awards symposium held during the Fall ACS national meeting.

Awardees will receive a $1,500 stipend to cover Fall ACS national meeting expenses.
They will present their research at a WCC/Merck half-day symposium and be recognized at the Awards Symposium Luncheon and the WCC Luncheon.


Individuals* in their 3rd & 4th year of graduate school with a research focus in one or more of the following - Organic, Inorganic, Medicinal, Analytical, Chemical Biology, Computational or Structural Chemistry and related disciplines.

Open to US citizens (studying anywhere) and to non-US citizens attending a graduate program in the US or Canada. 

Those who have received a prior award under this program are ineligible.

Individuals* = This includes women (both cis and trans) and persons assigned female at birth (AFAB). For more information regarding the gender inclusive language used in this document, please visit the following site:


Where did you learn about this program? *

Demographic Information

We ask you to provide this voluntary information below because the American Chemical Society is eager to support programs that benefit underrepresented groups in the chemical sciences, and your responses are helpful to these efforts and to all facets of our services to all members.  Individual responses are held in strictest confidence and have no bearing on consideration.
Citizenship Status
Racial-Ethnic Origin


* What graduate degree are you pursuing?

APPLICATION MATERIALS -- In PDF format please and NO embedded documents.


I certify that the information provided in this application is accurate and that I meet the criteria as stated in the award qualifications to the best of my knowledge. *
Please check the box to give permission for WCC to forward your resume to Merck after the award selection process is complete.