Teacher Recommendation for Scottish Weekend Scholarship Applicant
Note to teacher: Scottish Weekend (SW) promotes Scottish Country dancing by providing attendees with instruction in the art of Scottish Country dancing and music, and the opportunity to participate in Scottish Country dancing programs. The SW Scholarship Program was developed to give financial aid to academic students, new dancers (6 months experience minimum), more experienced dancers in need of financial assistance to participate, and musicians learning SCD music techniques.
Your student is requesting financial aid to attend Scottish Weekend. All applications will be reviewed by the SW Scholarship Committee, and awards will be made by August 15. Awards will be based on funds available for scholarships. established need of the applicants, and potential benefit to the applicant and Scottish Country dancing.
We are requiring all applicants to include a recommendation from their teacher. Please complete this form electronically by August 1. To retain confidentiality, please do not return your recommendation to the student.



Thank you for your time and comments.