WMEA - WHSAA MPA Report Form

Please complete and submit this form immediately following your MPA.

Total number of entries in your district MPA:
What fees did you charge for the following events (for ensembles, sepcify per person or per group):
How many adjudicators did you use for large groups?
How many schools participated in your MPA?
What days of the week did you schedule your large groups?
How many minutes do you allow for each?
List the number of ratings given in each category at your MPA. If none, leave blank.
Instrumental Solo/Ensemble
Vocal Solo/Ensemble
Jazz Band
Jazz/show choir
List of MPA Adjudicators and area of expertise:
List all NEW adjudicators who worked your festival and completed the NFHS adjudication training prior to the festival.  
Name - Email - Phone                                                    Judging Assignment

Wyoming Music Educators Association
1740 Dell Range Blvd., Ste H-146
PH (307) 760-7813    FAX (307) 460-7354