artsvest National Registration Form

artsvest is a virtual mentorship and training program for not-for-profit arts, culture and heritage organizations in all regions of Canada. It is a free training program, with priority given to rural, systemically under-resourced, and equity-seeking communities. The programming is delivered via webinars, peer networking sessions and mentorship sessions, and aims to build capacity in the following areas:

  • equity, diversity, access and inclusion
  • corporate sponsorship
  • board governance
  • marketing and communication
  • organizational development
  • fund development and financial sustainability
  • strategic planning
  • adaptive changemaking
  • community engagement
Click here to learn more about artsvest. 


  • This registration takes approximately 10-15 mins to complete
  • You can create an account to save a partially completed form and come back to complete it prior to the registration deadline.
  • If this form does not meet you or your organization’s accessibility needs, we are happy to assist in your registration process. For questions relating to registration support, please email Jasper at

Save & Return

If you wish to save your progress, you must create an account before starting this form. Once logged in, you can use the save function at the bottom of the form to save your progress.

Your Organization

Is your organization based in a rural or remote area? 🛈

Primary Contact

This person will be the main point of contact for all artsvest related communications including email invitations, administrative and program requirements, and training.

Second Participant (if applicable)

Third Participant (if applicable)

Fourth Participant (if applicable)

Fifth Participant (if applicable)

If your organization wishes to enroll additional participants, they can be added after the intake process. 


artsvest is open to emerging, small and mid-sized cultural organizations from across Canada. Organizations must be registered not-for-profit arts or charitable organizaitons to register. In the event of capacity concerns for any program or event, priority will be given to organizations from rural, remote, and/or equity-seeking communities.
Select your Organization’s legal status *
Does your organization provide publicly accessible arts, culture or heritage programming, products or services? *
Was your most recently completed annual operating budget under $1.5 million? *
Does your organization have five or fewer full-time employees? *
Does your organization’s mandate and/or core activities serve rural, remote, or systemically under-resourced communities? *
Does your organization’s mandate and/or core activities serve equity-seeking communities? *
Please check all that apply: *

About Your Organization

0/150 words
Has your organization participated in artsvest in the past? *
What is your organization's primary programming focus? (select all that apply) *

Voluntary Self-Identification

How will artsvest use the information provided? Voluntary self-identification information may be used to: generate statistics to measure how well artsvest programs are reaching members of equity groups; ensure there is diverse representation; gather information to help artsvest design, review, evaluate and improve its programs, plan outreach activities and targets, reporting to B/A Board, Committees, and Regional Funding partners.
Please tell us if members of your organization’s leadership (senior staff and/or Board) self-identify with any of the following communities (check all that apply): *

Your Goals for artsvest

0/100 words
What training topics are of interest to your organization? (check your top five): *
Over the course of the artsvest program, your organization will have access to a variety of training components and resources delivered online. Training is open to board members, staff, and volunteers. Please indicate which of the following options are of interest to you (check all that apply) *
Please select all that interest you:
0/300 words

artsvest Regional: Matching Fund Incentive Program

Please indicate if your organization is based in any of these artsvest Regional areas.
Are you planning to submit an application for the region selected above?
Our Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan and Ontario programs are currently underway and not accepting intake. Our City of Toronto program is acceptign intake until end-of-day October 9, 2024. If you intende to apply, please proceed directly to that application once you have complted this registration.


The national artsvest program is delivered in a shared community space where participants are invited to contribute to peer-to-peer sessions and relationship-building activities. By registering for this program, you are agreeing to contribute to the safety, well-being, and mutual respect expected in this environment. Any infringements of these agreements are subject to restorative actions, suspension, or removal from the space. *
By completing this registration, you attest that your organization is committed to participating in artsvest training and abiding by the community agreement. You also attest that all the information provided in this application is true to the best of your knowledge. *
Signature *
Would you like to be added to the Business / Arts email list to be informed of other programs and activities (such as our Speaker Series)?

Thank you for registering for artsvest! Our program staff will be in touch as soon as we have processed your registration.

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