RMRCOG Summer Camp 2024 June 21-25 High School Intern Application

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Interns must be 16 years of age or older.

List Certifications: (Lifeguard, Babysitters, etc.)


Please provide 2 references who can attest to your ability to work with children. They may be mailed an evaluation form to complete. Please do not list family members. One should be a Pastor or Church leader. Returning  interns do not need to complete this section. 

Reference #1 Pastor 
Reference #2 Personal Reference

Student Leader Signature *
If under the age of 18 A parent must sign this application.
Parent Signature

Thank you for your Application! First time applicants... Please email a letter of recommendation from your pastor, youth leader or Sunday school teacher to students@fwc.life. 

Once your application & letter of recommendation has been received and accepted or rejected, you will receive an email. 

First priority is given to returning Interns, then open slots are filled.
Interns are accepted into the program based on their proven performance in church, youth group, school and community activities, recommendations from Pastors, church members and friends
and completion of a satisfactory application form.

We are only able to select a limited number of Interns.

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