The GAHPERD Summer Institute will be held at Midtown HS, 929 Charles Allen Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30309 on May 30-31, 2024.
Pre-registration deadline is May 17, 2024.
Session leaders will include invited presenters. The year’s workshop will be a 2-day program to address best practices in instruction in Health & Physical Education. Attendees may receive 1 SDU/PLU credit. Participants must attend both days to receive 1 SDU/PLU. PLU. All attendees should check with their school system staff development coordinator for prior approval and needed documentation. PLUs will be issued by Metro RESA and a $30 processing fee will be required to get the PLUs.
Hours both days:
9AM-12PM - Sessions
12PM-1PM Lunch on your own
1-3PM - Sessions
For additional information on Summer Institute, contact Kim Thompson at