Thank you for your interest in vending at the BIG BREAK BLOCK PARTY - Depave's annual street festival on July 27, 2024! This event aims to activate the street while demonstrating the future commons space we hope to create at SE 7th and SE Sandy in the Central Eastside Industrial District of Portland, Oregon. This event celebrates all forms of non-motorized transportation safely sharing the street while depaving and regreening the city to increase access to greenspaces, manage stormwater, and reduce urban heat. BIG BREAK brings community-driven multimedia art, music, food, local crafts, skating, and more to the street! To learn more about the event, check out the project page here.
We have room for 20 vendors at the event and if you are selected for a FREE vendor spot at this street fair, we will be contact in after the form closes on April 30. We ask that vendors are setup and ready to vend by 2:30pm on the day of the event (July 27) and remain set up until at least 7:30pm. Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch about your vendor status soon!
Are you willing to share a tent with another vendor? *
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