Advertisements are posted weekly and will be displayed on the university's website for 90 days. To place multiple advertisements at the same time, please contact us directly at


Advertisements must be submitted by Thursday at 12pm CST each week to be posted by Friday afternoon. You will receive a confirmation email once your advertisement has been posted and live on the website.


Advertisements are $16 each for up to 800 characters and you may add up to 5 images to accompany your post. To submit your photos, please send the images to and reference your post. We will incorporate them as soon as possible. We do encourage you to include your website link.

PLEASE NOTE: Posts will not be edited for length, spelling or grammar. 

For further details or questions, please email or call 630-889-6702.

Advertisement Details

Photo Submissions and Additional Information 

To submit additional information and/or photos, please send the content to and reference your posting. We will incorporate them as soon as possible.

Alumni Association Member

REMEMBER: As part of your 2024 Alumni Association general membership benefits, you are entitled to 2 FREE postings. To submit your complimentary advertisement, please contact us at

Advertisement Fee

Submit A Listing Fee *

Contact Details

Terms and Conditions

It is the policy of National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) to provide a service to doctors of chiropractic medicine and others who, in the sole determination of NUHS, meet the criteria for ad placement, by placing professional advertisements on the NUHS web site under the section called "Digital Marketplace."

The purpose for providing this service is to assist graduates in their process of locating ethical, legitimate opportunities for practice, whether through association, purchase, or independent contractor status.

NUHS reserves the right to reject any ad that it feels will not be in the best interests of its students or its graduates and also reserves the right to discontinue any ad for the same reasons.

Fees for placement of ads on the NUHS website will be established from time to time and will be published on the site. A professional ad will appear for a period of 90 days before renewal is required unless the university determines, under this policy that it chooses not to run the ad or to remove it.

Questions: Contact us at or 630-889-6702.
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